Windows Vista

Right, just got my copy from the Microsoft Action Pack (typical shitty upgrade version though). Here goes. I’m keeping one of my PC’s probably as a multiboot box with XP/Vista and 2003 server.

Installation starts off crap, needs to be run from within XP. Ho hum, pain in the arse. Expect a fuller update soon.


Brief synopsis of my hour with Vista

Installation. Still takes a while, kinda annoying that it asks for network settings twice. Anyway language bar appears to still want to be American. Seems as slow to install as XP. Though no ‘Microsoft Timer’ for accurate install time.

Rebooting seems to take a while, explorer layout is broken. Who designed it? Stevie Wonder?

Widget bar, mmm wonder where that came from. One feature that looks good is the automated file recovery (from 2003 Intellimirror). Though didn’t test it.

Turned off themes service to run in ‘work’ mode. This seems to break the toolbar. The constant asking to run applications is quite annoying as well. I’m used to the Mac saying ‘OK to run this’ but Vista does it on installed system apps.
Anyway verdict of brief synopsis: Vista is shite, keep XP. There you go. Sure it’ll upset the PC fanboys, but who cares.