So indecision pt.II

Maybe not indecision this time, more of a refinement of my previous wants.

Equipment wanted:

EF300mm f/4 – Currently £868.00

EF15mm f/2.8 Fisheye – £441.96

EX580 Flash unit – £247.49

Total £1557.45

Also need a monopod for the 300mm lens. Though might wait and see what people are flogging off at Focus. Not committing myself to a purchase until Focus 2007. If the prices are like the last year then maybe i can expect 5-10% off these. Saving £150 would be nice. is my current secret weapon!

Still would like a 1D Mark IIn, but i’m waiting for the PMA show for that one. Too many rumours abound, so as its not needed it can wait.

I fully expect this list to change. Though i’m very happy with the performance of my EF70-200 f/4 with the 1.4 converter. I think the 300mm will behave in exactly the same way. Although IS will help it. And maybe improve on the 200.