Boredom and the backwards world of my employment

If a title ever summed up my current feelings it’s this one. Quite how an enjoyable job can turn so mind numbingly boring in the first 4 months is beyond me.

Unusual situation, people are leaving, no one seems to know who’s in charge or what they are doing. Colleagues who are just about to get fucked over by single status (google, cba to explain) are in the same position. Probably, no certainly worse for them.

Though for me I have an exit strategy, find a decent contract then leave. Simple as. As far as employment agencies are concerned I’m still a contractor. To be honest I and my colleagues who joined are still treated as contract staff. Today marked another milestone in the shitness™. Well a continuation of a milestone, Equipment.

Fail Boat

When you join a work place, especially in IT you expect a few things.

1) Desk

2) Phone

3) Computer

Now which one of those did we have to find ourselves?

All fucking 3. Fortunately a few desks became spare shortly after joining, so after a few weeks of hopping between the desks of holidaying and the sick we managed to bag this tri-desk triumph. As fortune would have it we also managed to find a single phone for the 4 desk cluster (4th desk occupied).

During this eventful week I personally managed to blag a PC. A fairly decent one (HP DC7600) and a monitor. To this I add my spare MS Wireless bling elite Keyboard and mouse. So 1 out of 3 now has a PC. The weeks go by and we discover a monitor spare, now in our previous contracting the 3 of us blagged laptops. These were only given to 2 of us as we were using our own kit.

So now we have 2 sort of desktops available. Back to today, as we are in the process of moving office I manage to locate 2 spare PCs and monitors. Today Ladies and Gentlemen we are proud to announce that it has only taken 4 months to actually get the sort of kit most people would get on day one.

We still only have 1 phone between us. But from small acorns a big tree grows. And yes it takes just as long.

Today I also applied for a 6 month contract elsewhere, starting Monday. Who knows the career might be off again. Oh but isn’t there a notice period, probably. But as they’ve failed to deliver on other key areas of the contract I personally feel any terms are now null and void.

Chances are I’ve missed the boat, as my CV didn’t arrive until they’d sent the others in. Anyway I’ll keep on looking as sadly I feel ‘they, the current employers’ have missed the opportunity with me.