Something decided and actioned!

Won’t beat around the bush. I bought a new Mac Mini 🙂

Flatter, but wider - still mini

John Lewis eventually started to sell them, once I found out the lure of discount and 2 year warranty proved too much.

The only decision I have left to make is 4gb of memory. Do I buy it, or take it out of my soon to be sold Mac Mini (Early/Mid 2009 version). It’s the same memory, so it’ll work fine. Just worried about affecting the sale value of this mini.

/edit: Decision made, the 4gb was generously donated by my old Mac Mini (which in turn has had it’s original 1gb returned). Now to dig out the old box and sell on Ebay.

Unless of course anyone wants a Early 2009 Mac Mini 2.0ghz, 1gb, 120gb, 9400M for around £390.