Surgery anyone?

I’ve heard about Social Media Surgeries before, in fact anyone that visit’s Podnosh will have had some exposure to them.  For a while I thought, can I offer anything?  So tonight I went to the Acocks Green Surgery to see what it is all about, also went along to pass on the little knowledge of WordPress that I possess.

Seemed to start of quiet, a few people who podnosh and Trav28 had met before were present.  Then the 2 ladies (bec and mandy? – I may have asked the names, but in the excitement forgot!) came in and asked about setting up a blog, Nick pointed them in my direction and I was happy to help out.

Hopefully I didn’t go too technical.  My hope was to have a local installation of wordpress to demonstrate, which I had – but it didn’t seem to work in the pub.  Worked fine at home though.  Still managed to demonstrate how easy it was to setup and configure a blog using

Time seemed to fly, and it was nice to get to speak to Nick a bit more than I have done in the past.  Will look forward to the next meet up around the end of July.  Hopefully it’ll be a little cooler then.

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