One over board, should we throw in a ring?……..

…..maybe not.

Sad, sad day.  Late April 2009 will always be remembered for the departing of a ‘colleague’.  Well when I say ‘colleague’ it’s in the loosest possible terms.  You see, since SS Failboat departed these shores we’ve had a floating crew member.   That member did indeed have his own bunk and associated accessories.  However the colleague, who we’ll call Borice never really wanted to board the SS Failboat.  Quite often the hapless Borice would fall over cracks in the vessels decking, blame other crew members for his depression and generally shy away from his duties.

Being at sea on the failboat meant we’d have to leave Borice behind.  He was happy with this arrangement as he could still get paid and generally have a bit of time off from his duties.   Borice decided eventually this was enough, he left the SS Failboat before a meeting with ships captain.

So farwell seaman Borice, I’d say you’d be missed.  But to be missed you would’ve had to have turned up occasionally.

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