iPad, No I don’t get it either

As sure as eggs are eggs, Apple release products in January (or announce). This January is no exception. So today’s epic product?

The iPad, no not an Apple designed feminine hygiene product, but a big iPod Touch/Tablet hybrid with 3G capability.




Picture Credit:Apple

Sure it looks, luuuuurvly but I can’t see the point. It’s a big iPod Touch, but with the advantage of having a subsidised data plan on 3G (on AT&T in the us, now doubt it’ll be a crap data plan tied to 02 in the UK). Released in a few different capacity sizes, with an escalating price to match.

16gb $499

32gb $599

64gb $699

Oh, add $130 if you want 3G functionality.

So what does it do? Well pretty much everything the iPod Touch does, but bigger. I’m not being too dismissive about the iPad yet, afterall I couldn’t see the point of the iPod Touch until I tried one.

If they manage to get Magazines on board and offer subscriptions to a eMagazine then I think it could take off. But at present it seems too much for a media player (o.k. it’s got email/web etc – but that’s going to cost $130 + $15-$30 for a data plan to make it mobile).

It’s not available for a few months, so I’ll have to reserve judgement about the products. For my Photography though I think it’s a worthwhile method to showcase images, however it’s utterly pointless as a mobile LightRoom/Photoshop device (as it won’t run).

Steve Jobs is indicating it’ll change the way we Read and Surf. I’m not sure, but Steve Jobs’ company is worth oh around $50 Billion, my media corporation is currently worth around £2000 so I guess he has form on being right.

Chances are I’ll probably get one!