Revisiting old images

One of the things on the ‘to do’ list is done. I’ve been wondering about my film scanner for a while. I didn’t want to use it with the old PC as my intention is to sell that. In the end I decided to use a spare small form factor PC (Compaq EVO P4 2.4ghz) with I’ve had lying around for a while.

The unit itself will be just a scanner unit. All the processing will still be completed on the Mac.

So here goes for the first two images on the ‘new’ production line.

Anchor Close, Edinburgh
Cornish Surfers

Quite happy with the newer cleaner images. I’ll need to consider the quality if I submit them to Alamy.

The Anchor Close image may suffer as the original lens was a little soft on the Lubitel Medium Format. Still it took a nice image 🙂