Thinking about it…..

…well after some input from elsewhere I think I have the solution to the current problem.

Now it has been mentioned that we need laminate floor, which is fine. Afterall the carpet in the back room does stink of a combination of Baby Wee, Baby Sick and Dog. So it really needs to go. Seems it’ll cost around £6-8 per sq.m so that’ll be around £108 for flooring, maybe another £50 or so on top for edging. Lets call it £160 to round up.

It was also pointed out that the current MacBook is fine also – this I accept, but it’s not a new shiny one – but I think that argument has been lost.

The Aviva cheque arrived and it’s a little bit more: £791.73. Think the original offer was £760ish. So now the maths weighted in favour for a win for me (also watch out for a change of mind with regards to product – marked*)

Money in:

Cheque: £791.73
Sale of MacMini: £350 (after ebay fees etc)

Total £1141.73

Minus Floor Costs: £160-

Total £981.73

Minus Apple iMac MB950B/A 3.06GHz 21.5 Inch* £835- (12% discount – RRP £949)

Leaving £146.73 for other stuff, maybe that external drive 🙂

All subject to changing my mind, or having my mind changed.