Leaving O2 – a simple request for a PAC code

You’d think it would be anyway……

We’re putting you through to the right person, won’t be long.
You’re through to ‘Chris’

Chris: Hi I my name is Chris. Please give me few minutes to go through your above chat
Louise: ok
Chris: Thanks
Louise: all I want is my PAC code though
Chris: Thank, for waiting, I see that you want you PAC code?
Louise: yes
Chris: Sorry to know that You want to leave o2.
Chris: May I know what has prompted you to cancel the contract?
Louise: sort of still staying as I’m moving to giffgaff
Louise: £10 per month 1gb internet 250mins
Chris: I’ll certainly help you with that, however can you please share the deal offered to you ?
Louise: see above
Chris: May I know for which mobile? And the upfront cost?
Louise: it’s on my current iPhone – no costs upfront
Chris: Thanks
Chris: Let me check the deal available for you.
Louise: Please can I have the PAC code – I’ve looked at your website and the deals aren’t what I’m interested in.
Chris: Thanks for waiting, On £11 I can offer you 300 minutes, unlimited texts, and 250 mb dat.
Louise: for £10 I get 250 minutes and 1gb data, plus my husband is on giffgaff so calls to him are freee
Chris: Giffgaff is a 3rd party, Which uses o2 network.
Louise: i know
Louise: but they are cheaper than o2 http://giffgaff.com/goodybags/10pound-goodybag
Louise: look I want to leave, please supply me with my PAC code
Louise: my husband switch from o2 6 months ago and he’s working fine.
Chris: Louise, with our deal you will get the flexibility to upgrade anytime you want to get a new phone. Also you will be keeping the loyalty that you have built with us in the past years to get a good deal.
Chris: Have you checked if they will help you to upgrade with a new phone if you change your mind after few months and want to go for a new phone?
Louise: I’ll get my husbands iPhone when the next one comes out so I have no need to upgrade
Chris: Sorry, I’m afraid we cannot alter these sim only deals however, if you consider going for a 24 months contract I can try my best to get you a good deal as per your needs also you can get a credit of upto £150 which you can use to pay your monthly bill.
Chris: with our deal you will get the flexibility to upgrade anytime you want to get a new phone. Also you will be keeping the loyalty that you have built with us in the past years to get a good deal.
Chris: Thanks for waiting, As I can check in my system your PAC code has been already generated.
Louise: Thank you
Chris: Your welcome
Chris: Is there anything I can help you with?
Louise: No thanks, when will I get the code?
O2 has ended this chat session.

And there it ends, no real conclusion other than a PAC has been generated – It might turn up somewhere.

(it’s the Wife’s account moving from O2 to GiffGaff)

/edit end of day one – No PAC received yet

4th Quarterly Competition

Time once again for my competition entries. This time for the 4th Quarterly (Yardley Photographic Society)…..

Tide out, Mist In
Tide out, Mist In

Dead Tree
Dead Tree

Not sure about either image to be honest – the full size versions work well, but when resized down to 1024×768 it loses the detail. Both images have been manipulated a little bit in Lightroom first and finished off using some Nik plugins i’m testing at the moment.

Oh, an update from the Rose Bowl comp – my surfer picture won.

SEO Spammers

Lets take a little time to see what they are offering.

Hello Web Admin, I noticed that your **SEO SPAM CRAP ** SEO is is missing a few factors

O.k., Just a few????

for one you do not use all three H tags in your post, also I notice that you are not using bold or italics properly in your SEO optimization.

I really do not care what the H tags are to be honest. Here’s some Italics and Bold and now Bold Italics

**SEO SPAM CRAP ** SEO means more now than ever since the new Google update: Panda. No longer are backlinks and simply pinging or sending out a RSS feed the key to getting Google PageRank or Alexa Rankings

Pandas are pretty

You now NEED **SEO SPAM CRAP ** SEO. So what is good **SEO SPAM CRAP ** SEO?First your keyword must appear in the title.Then it must appear in the URL.You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of 3-5% in your article with relevant LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing). Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article.

I don’t care

I’m sure this means something to some oneYour Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword.There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword…

Losing interest

wait there’s even more

Now I’m interested

Now what if i told you there was a simple WordPress plugin that does all the **SEO SPAM CRAP ** SEO, and automatically for you? That’s right AUTOMATICALLY

Actually I lied

just watch this 4minute video for more information at.


Time to sit back and watch the spam.

Best do an update.

So in the missing months we’ve had snow, rain, wind, broken finger (not related), small lottery win (£64) and probably a few things I’ve forgotten. So there you go – for some reason and I’m not quite sure why i’m just not that ‘social’ (media) at the moment.