Camera Club

Well I am 40 so it’s a natural progression to go to a camera club. You see I’ve always been a bit dismissive of the whole idea, I mean meeting up with like minded photo enthusiasts who’d want to do that.

With that thought in my mind I ventured out to my local camera club (Yardley PS) to see a presentation from @peteashton about TTV (Through The Viewfinder photography). I’ve known that Pete has been doing this for a while now, but never got a chance to speak about it with him.

Anyway, I went along and enjoyed it. The people were a friendly bunch, seems to be no pretension from the gathered audience and I got to look at a Pete’s stuff in greater detail than before. So will I join, not too sure. I may be one to just dip in and out initially (at £1.50 a pop it’s not an issue).

TTV Pete

Pete having picture taken by @Katchooo, taken by me using a very poor quality iphone camera (nb not representative of my photography)